This blog is born in order to introduce the Straight activity of the Association Women Infancy, in a time always greater abuses store clerks against these two categories of persons. Resolution the UN for the human rights, convention the UN for INFANCY, both undersigneds from Italy tens of years ago, PROHIBITS great part of the MISFATTI store clerks DAILY against women and infancy in countries presumed civil like italia.La the European Convention of the human rights, the national laws (civil and penal) prohibits same abusi.Perchè then ogno the kind of abuse commits indisturbato?Perchè in Italy the judicial system is DISFUNSIONALE, that is ne' efficente ne' effective, in practical, hiding itself behind the comfortable ALIBI of the absence of a sufficient number of assigned to the "judicial machine", but in truth trusting on the absence of controls, AGO WHAT the PARE.Ciò that ADDI is proposed to the European citizens their rights, in particular to anyone are or it is found beside a woman and/or to a BAMBINO.I children they are all equal ones. They belong to the human race. Difference does not exist, science speaks clear in purpose. The only race to exterminate in effective and definitive way is that one of the racists. And this today is possible. Anyone commits a crime against a woman and/or a child, to racist foundation (as an example to take advantage of the infantile job or to leave that innocent children live like wild animals us only why of etnia various, is citabile in judgment near CRIMINAL COURT INTERNATIONAL AJA and if that were not enough, also in the United States where vigono the strictest pains for who misuse infancy. The process can be asked in MOST DIRECT and little it counts if the facts have not happened in USA, in absence of suitable provisions in the interested state it can be asked that the process comes carried out in WHICHEVER other state with which Italy the RESPECT Of the HUMAN RIGHTS HAS TIGHTENED INHERENT AGREEMENTS and Of the INFANZIA.ABUSARE of a child it means also to abandon it without opportune participations, as they make for former the common one of Milan and you vary others (pack-saddles to think the 4 hardly died children burns to you you live in a shack in Tuscany), also knowing that they are entrusted persons INCAPABLE to take care themselves some idoneamente.O to abet the exploitation of the children like avvine in Lombardy where they come leaves you to ask elemosina in the metrò for the road. The guardiani of the ATM, in primis, and the persons, WITH MUST CIVIL and PENAL RESPONSABILITA' IF THEY DO NOT MAKE IT (OMISSION OF AID and ABETTING OF EXPLOITATION Of the INFAZIA FOR ACCATTONAGGIO) MUST inform to police and police officers of this, as soon as verification, that allerteranno the court of the minors. Otherwise they are ACCOMPLICES and they commit a OMISSION DI SOCCORSO.Sono many, is true, but we are many more. The laws exist, the structures also, the deep ones also, the educators are to migliaia, graduated, specialize to you, in part disoccupati.Ciò that it lacks in Italy are not the laws but the humanity. Before the time that I arrived to Milan and I saw the children to ask the elemosina I remained therefore been astounded, not a lot for the action in himself when for indifference of the persons. Then I called number 800 400 400 of which I had seen The Manifest: SECRET MOTHER, for the protection of mother and child, and me answered that proteggevano only the pregnant mother. A paradox: why to make to be born the children, in order to send them to ask the elemosina, to get ruined the fragile limbs on the metrò takes advantage of to you from ignoring animals, with the GENERAL COMPLICITA'? But I did not surrender. I addressed to the common one, I know that they exist to milan odei specific services calls ROAD ANGELS to you. I know that the police in these cases interviene.In Italy exists hundred of houses of acceptance for children and mothers in difficulty. That that really does not exist is the UMANITA'. How you can observe a child of 5, 6 years to ask the elemosina and to go to work indisturbati, to carry to school the vogli "figl"? Who you concurs the arrogance to believe that your sons are various, that they deserve other from those bambini?Mille times are met to me with the court smaller of Milan, whose president is a massaia unravelled, is physically that morally, in order not to aprlare of professional competences, than neanche knows what is (me risponsa, if it dares, to these righe..!)Più times has fought against MAFIA INSTITUTIONS. Never they are not surrendered me. Today I know that more than ever the EYES Of the WORLD ARE TIP to YOU On ITALY. Some graduates to us of the European Parliament they have collected my sollicitations and Europe is ready to take EVERY PROVISION had to become useful and unavoidable against ITALIAN GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTIONS, CITIZENS. But we do not make the usuals ignorantoni that when sees a moribondo and a man close calls it assassin without to understand that has even been only that one taken part to call the aids. This government, after years of the GOVERNMENTAL MAFIA, is making something of essential thing already: FINALLY the TELEVISION and the MEDIUM MASS ARE NOT PIU' GOVERN to YOU From the HOLDERS Of the GOVERNMENTAL POWER and finally the news arrives to the REAL citizens and under shape of SPOT.Non we do not commit the error to kill who is slowly giving back the freedom. The disasters that Italy is living have had to TEN YEARS OF MAFIA GOVERNMENT and to raise itself is not easy for nobody. We do not boycott same, we would be idiot. The aliens come to fiotti in Italy making every misfatto NOT why the laws lack, why the structures do not lack, but why the CIVIL PERSONS lack. The aliens believe that Italy is a legally rear country, instead in many aspects are To the VANGUARD for laws and services. That that he lacks in Italy is the CIVILTA' of single cittadini.Da today the HARD LINE AGAINST the INCIVILI. To tolerate a crime means essserne accomplices. If he regards categories weak people as women and children mean to be CRIMINAL. Atelefonata to the 113 NOT NULL COAST, but is a DUTY. And OVUNQUE looks at a child, is ALWAYS DUTY to call police and police officers. It can also be remained anonymous, to call from a public telephone. If the impression is had that the person to the telephone does not take to us seriously, she is insisted and she is called in testimoni.Si presence marks them to the court of the minors the happened one. If the court of the minors does not exist in the city, he marks them to the power of attorney of the republic specifying clearly the facts with an complaint-exposed SCRITTA.La power of attorney will inform the court who will start the participations and through several modalities he will take part opportunamente.I children are all uguali.I children are our future. Who protegge the children does not deserve of living free. Public Association ADDI a managed bimonthly informative periodical from European experts in protection of infancy and maternity. You write to melahel1972@libero.it in order receiving your copy and knowing the subscription modalities, in order to carry out donations, in order to carry out FREE or retribuibili TRANSLATIONS with the spread in your country (also the extra EEC). EVERY OTHER KIND OF EXPRESS PROHIBITED E' COMMUNICATION. We have chosen the photo of the Madeleine small with the augury that can soon be found again and its face to become with she testimonial of the AUTHORIZED associations and professionally SPECIALIZED that they operate for the TRUE protection of infancy. On purpose of associations: to operate in the professional area infancy without tito them suitable is an ABUSE AGAINST SAME INFANCY and against comunita' the all and one of it objects you of ADDI is to unmask all the ONG beyond the OG, that they commit such deprecabili CRIMINAL actions, with the excuse of being voluntary (and pocketing billions in donations). Before donating your money to that PUBBLICIZZA an activity of aid to the children, VERIFICATION THAT PROFESSIONALLY NUMBERS CHARACTERIZED PERSONS to its inside, and that they are JUST THEY TO TAKE CARE ITSELF some. E' your right to ask the documentation for the movements of the donated money (your expenses). If such documentation comes refused, is your right to denounce such associations and to render publics their misfatti ones.
This blog is born in order to introduce the Straight activity of the Association Women Infancy, in a time always greater abuses store clerks against these two categories of persons. Resolution the UN for the human rights, convention the UN for INFANCY, both undersigneds from Italy tens of years ago, PROHIBITS great part of the MISFATTI store clerks DAILY against women and infancy in countries presumed civil like italia.La the European Convention of the human rights, the national laws (civil and penal) prohibits same abusi.Perchè then ogno the kind of abuse commits indisturbato?Perchè in Italy the judicial system is DISFUNSIONALE, that is ne' efficente ne' effective, in practical, hiding itself behind the comfortable ALIBI of the absence of a sufficient number of assigned to the "judicial machine", but in truth trusting on the absence of controls, AGO WHAT the PARE.Ciò that ADDI is proposed to the European citizens their rights, in particular to anyone are or it is found beside a woman and/or to a BAMBINO.I children they are all equal ones. They belong to the human race. Difference does not exist, science speaks clear in purpose. The only race to exterminate in effective and definitive way is that one of the racists. And this today is possible. Anyone commits a crime against a woman and/or a child, to racist foundation (as an example to take advantage of the infantile job or to leave that innocent children live like wild animals us only why of etnia various, is citabile in judgment near CRIMINAL COURT INTERNATIONAL AJA and if that were not enough, also in the United States where vigono the strictest pains for who misuse infancy. The process can be asked in MOST DIRECT and little it counts if the facts have not happened in USA, in absence of suitable provisions in the interested state it can be asked that the process comes carried out in WHICHEVER other state with which Italy the RESPECT Of the HUMAN RIGHTS HAS TIGHTENED INHERENT AGREEMENTS and Of the INFANZIA.ABUSARE of a child it means also to abandon it without opportune participations, as they make for former the common one of Milan and you vary others (pack-saddles to think the 4 hardly died children burns to you you live in a shack in Tuscany), also knowing that they are entrusted persons INCAPABLE to take care themselves some idoneamente.O to abet the exploitation of the children like avvine in Lombardy where they come leaves you to ask elemosina in the metrò for the road. The guardiani of the ATM, in primis, and the persons, WITH MUST CIVIL and PENAL RESPONSABILITA' IF THEY DO NOT MAKE IT (OMISSION OF AID and ABETTING OF EXPLOITATION Of the INFAZIA FOR ACCATTONAGGIO) MUST inform to police and police officers of this, as soon as verification, that allerteranno the court of the minors. Otherwise they are ACCOMPLICES and they commit a OMISSION DI SOCCORSO.Sono many, is true, but we are many more. The laws exist, the structures also, the deep ones also, the educators are to migliaia, graduated, specialize to you, in part disoccupati.Ciò that it lacks in Italy are not the laws but the humanity. Before the time that I arrived to Milan and I saw the children to ask the elemosina I remained therefore been astounded, not a lot for the action in himself when for indifference of the persons. Then I called number 800 400 400 of which I had seen The Manifest: SECRET MOTHER, for the protection of mother and child, and me answered that proteggevano only the pregnant mother. A paradox: why to make to be born the children, in order to send them to ask the elemosina, to get ruined the fragile limbs on the metrò takes advantage of to you from ignoring animals, with the GENERAL COMPLICITA'? But I did not surrender. I addressed to the common one, I know that they exist to milan odei specific services calls ROAD ANGELS to you. I know that the police in these cases interviene.In Italy exists hundred of houses of acceptance for children and mothers in difficulty. That that really does not exist is the UMANITA'. How you can observe a child of 5, 6 years to ask the elemosina and to go to work indisturbati, to carry to school the vogli "figl"? Who you concurs the arrogance to believe that your sons are various, that they deserve other from those bambini?Mille times are met to me with the court smaller of Milan, whose president is a massaia unravelled, is physically that morally, in order not to aprlare of professional competences, than neanche knows what is (me risponsa, if it dares, to these righe..!)Più times has fought against MAFIA INSTITUTIONS. Never they are not surrendered me. Today I know that more than ever the EYES Of the WORLD ARE TIP to YOU On ITALY. Some graduates to us of the European Parliament they have collected my sollicitations and Europe is ready to take EVERY PROVISION had to become useful and unavoidable against ITALIAN GOVERNMENT, INSTITUTIONS, CITIZENS. But we do not make the usuals ignorantoni that when sees a moribondo and a man close calls it assassin without to understand that has even been only that one taken part to call the aids. This government, after years of the GOVERNMENTAL MAFIA, is making something of essential thing already: FINALLY the TELEVISION and the MEDIUM MASS ARE NOT PIU' GOVERN to YOU From the HOLDERS Of the GOVERNMENTAL POWER and finally the news arrives to the REAL citizens and under shape of SPOT.Non we do not commit the error to kill who is slowly giving back the freedom. The disasters that Italy is living have had to TEN YEARS OF MAFIA GOVERNMENT and to raise itself is not easy for nobody. We do not boycott same, we would be idiot. The aliens come to fiotti in Italy making every misfatto NOT why the laws lack, why the structures do not lack, but why the CIVIL PERSONS lack. The aliens believe that Italy is a legally rear country, instead in many aspects are To the VANGUARD for laws and services. That that he lacks in Italy is the CIVILTA' of single cittadini.Da today the HARD LINE AGAINST the INCIVILI. To tolerate a crime means essserne accomplices. If he regards categories weak people as women and children mean to be CRIMINAL. Atelefonata to the 113 NOT NULL COAST, but is a DUTY. And OVUNQUE looks at a child, is ALWAYS DUTY to call police and police officers. It can also be remained anonymous, to call from a public telephone. If the impression is had that the person to the telephone does not take to us seriously, she is insisted and she is called in testimoni.Si presence marks them to the court of the minors the happened one. If the court of the minors does not exist in the city, he marks them to the power of attorney of the republic specifying clearly the facts with an complaint-exposed SCRITTA.La power of attorney will inform the court who will start the participations and through several modalities he will take part opportunamente.I children are all uguali.I children are our future. Who protegge the children does not deserve of living free. Public Association ADDI a managed bimonthly informative periodical from European experts in protection of infancy and maternity. You write to melahel1972@libero.it in order receiving your copy and knowing the subscription modalities, in order to carry out donations, in order to carry out FREE or retribuibili TRANSLATIONS with the spread in your country (also the extra EEC). EVERY OTHER KIND OF EXPRESS PROHIBITED E' COMMUNICATION. We have chosen the photo of the Madeleine small with the augury that can soon be found again and its face to become with she testimonial of the AUTHORIZED associations and professionally SPECIALIZED that they operate for the TRUE protection of infancy. On purpose of associations: to operate in the professional area infancy without tito them suitable is an ABUSE AGAINST SAME INFANCY and against comunita' the all and one of it objects you of ADDI is to unmask all the ONG beyond the OG, that they commit such deprecabili CRIMINAL actions, with the excuse of being voluntary (and pocketing billions in donations). Before donating your money to that PUBBLICIZZA an activity of aid to the children, VERIFICATION THAT PROFESSIONALLY NUMBERS CHARACTERIZED PERSONS to its inside, and that they are JUST THEY TO TAKE CARE ITSELF some. E' your right to ask the documentation for the movements of the donated money (your expenses). If such documentation comes refused, is your right to denounce such associations and to render publics their misfatti ones.
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